After years of reading millions of blogs and four horribly failed attempts at blogging, I’m finally ready (I hope!) to settle down and blog for real. And this time round, it’s a personal blog. And what was the subject of all my previous blogs?
1. A blog about my father in law’s choir
2. One dedicated to really bad prose about a ‘friend’
3. Another in which I uploaded nothing but a cartoon of a frog in a stock’s beak (that touched my soul at that time!)
4. And a blog that I don’t even remember the name of!
I have incessantly avoided blogging about my own interests and life as I always found the lives of the many others who blogged far more interesting and fascinating than mine. So instead of just doing what normal people do, I began and barely maintained four blogs over a period of five years.
I read once in someone’s blog that people blog mostly about their boring lives and so most blogs are pretty dull. And that stuck in my head. I’ve deliberately avoided blogging about my life and interests for fear of being labeled uninteresting. But a couple of days back I was downloading a free template from someone’s blog and then it hit me! The internet and the blogosphere have given me so much of itself and I had never ever given back. Not even left a comment on any of the blogs that I read. I have remained non-participatory always. And now I realize that maybe it’s time that I give back. What I contribute may not interest many, but maybe a few would find an answer that they are looking for. I have found my answers on innumerable websites – from the most popular to the most mundane. And so today, I label myself socially conscious and choose to give back to the blogging world.
“So what does she have to offer after all these years of silence?”, you ask; rightfully. I hope to inspire someone out there to open their minds to art and beauty in simple forms. I am no expert. Neither my education nor my work experience qualifies me. But I have found some solace and peace of mind in indulging in creating simple paper products and other… hmmm…. Can I call them DIYs? (DIY – Do It Yourself).
I also have a keen interest in interiors and hope to share what inspires me and little ideas that would work around the house. Most of my inspiration and influence comes from what is found on the internet itself, but I hope to bring it all together and present the best of it. (I promise to credit all my sources). As most of the blogs that I frequently read are US based, I try to re-create ideas and products with locally available and budget friendly resources.
I have crazy love for paper, fabric, origami, letter writing and cartoons. Every post would be a little dose of these and more. This blog will, above all things, be an expression of my heart.