Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Honeycomb Tissue Paper Pom Poms

I've never really been a keen follower of trends - fashion, technology, food... it all changes so fast! Party decor on the other hand is something that I didn't realize I've been subconsciously following.

Just when I discovered the tissue paper pom poms, all the party decor blogs that I read have a new kind of pom pom featured. They're called honeycomb pom poms apparently. They look so pretty... but if someone had suggested it a month ago, with no pictures, I would've run for my life. They so remind me of those super tacky multi coloured Christmas decorations we used to buy from Parry's Corner and hang around the house.

I could only find online stores selling these but no tutorial anywhere. After much 'Google'ing I found a tutorial that I made some changes to. So here's the inspiration from Martha Stewart (as usual)... and here's what I made. Needs work, but oh so pretty!

On another note, my sister visited and I showed her these and told her how I struggled to figure out how to make them. She said that we'd been taught to make these at art class in school but wasn't surprised that I didn't know. I hated art in school as much as our art teacher disliked me. My sister on the other hand was the legendary teacher's pet. I can still remember our teacher telling me to stand outside class while saying 'I can't believe you are Ruth's sister. Why can't you be more like her?' I bet she'll be proud of me now... or maybe not :)

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